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What is Creative Consulting?

Tim Zimmerman • July 18, 2019

The Creative Consultant

When you hear the words "Graphic Designer", what comes to mind? If you are like most people, you probably get the idea of someone who makes logos or websites, or maybe someone who is artistic or even good with Photoshop. But what comes to mind when you hear the words "Creative Consultant"? That's a little bit of a different story. As a Creative Consultant, my role goes beyond just the graphic design aspect of the job. My responsibility is to come alongside of a business or individual to see what they can't see when it comes to design and creativity. Without creativity, our world would be dark and dreary. Just like the image above, creativity is a light shining in the darkness. As a Creative Consultant my goal is to help shed a creative light into the mundane and ordinary, to create warmth and elicit an emotional response from the audience. 

When some people talk about Creative Consultants, they tend to talk about the left brain and the right brain. The left brain is the analytical and logical side that deals with language, science, math, and all that other stuff. The right brain is the creative engine responsible for artistry, music, intuition, and insight. You might hear that a Creative Consultant is the "right brain" to the business's "left brain" to provide creativity to their structure. While that sounds like a good illustration, it really doesn't do the Creative Consultant justice. One of the most important characteristics of a great Creative Consultant isn't just their creativity, but the ability to see how that creativity can fit into a given structure (or break that structure if necessary). The ability to see design both creatively and functionally is an indispensable trait of any good Creative Consultant. 

At LynnBrooke Design, our mission is to help you achieve your goals through technology and creativity. We will take the time to talk to you about your design needs. And by talk to you, I mean that we will actually talk to you - on the phone, in person, or on a video chat - not just email you or have you fill out some form to try to understand your design. You are passionate about what you do (or at least we hope you are) and we are passionate about coming alongside of you to help you succeed. We will be accessible and responsive throughout the design process; and, even after we have delivered your final product. If you are ready to get started and want to see how a Creative Consultant can help you succeed, click the button below to schedule a free consultation today!
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By Tim Zimmerman July 21, 2019
Typography in itself is an art form and is a crucial element in design. It’s all about taking your information and making it not just legible, but appealing. Typography involves skill and technique married with creativity. R. Roger Remington puts it this way: "Form and function together create typographic excellence." What is involved in the art of typography? In a very basic sense, typography involves choosing a typeface (or font) that fits your design and arranging the letters and spaces to create a visually appealing and communicative piece. Everything from the style of the typeface to the spaces between the characters and lines will communicate something to your audience. In reality, typography in carefully crafted design won't stand out - the message will. When good design succeeds, the design itself becomes invisible to the overall message it is meant to convey. When should you worry about typography? All. The. Time. If you are putting words on a page, the typography is telling a story. If I were to start typing in this font, how does it make you feel? What about this one? O r w h a t i f I s t a r t e d t y p i n g l i k e t h i s ? Simple changes to just the font, the size, and the spacing elicit different responses as you read. Whether you are writing a paper for school, a resume for new job, crafting a piece of advertising for your business, or even creating a sign to put on your wall, what you say is just as important as how you say it. Where should you begin? Remember, it's all about the message and how you want to communicate that message. Hiring a good Creative Consultant is a great place to start. At LynnBrooke Design, we have years of experience helping our clients achieve their goals with creativity and clarity, or as R. Roger Remington said, "form and function." Click below to schedule a free consultation today and let us help you on your way to incredible typography.
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